Image: Sea turtle (photo: National Geographic).

Benedictions – Season of Creation

Benedictions by Andrew, September 2022. Season of Creation, Series C: Wisdom.

(Inspired by Psalm 104)

Pursue Wisdom …
the whole world
and each part of it –
including the deep ocean –
is shaped by God.

Pursue Wisdom …
whose way promotes good works,
whose love delights in Creation,
whose presence brings meaning,
purpose and repose …+ Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 104)

Pursue Wisdom …
the whole world
and each part of it –
including forests, fields,
high places and low –
is shaped by God.

Pursue Wisdom …
whose way promotes good works,
whose love delights in Creation,
whose presence brings meaning,
purpose and repose. Amen.

(Inspired by Psalm 29)

The blessing of God
whose glory thunders over waters,
whose voice strikes with bolts of lightning
and makes the mountain skip like a calf –
who sits in judgement over the flood.

May this God give you strength …+
and bless us all with peace!

(Inspired by Psalm 148)

God of all the earth bless you.

God of sea creatures and ocean depths,
lightning and hail,
snow and mist,
and storm winds bless you.

God of mountains and hills,
fruit trees and cedars,
wild animals and cattle,
small animals
and flying birds bless you.

God whose majesty
transcends heaven and earth,
bless you … +


May our hearts be open to little birds
who are the secrets of living … Amen.

May our minds stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple … Amen.

And may we love, fools for Christ Jesus –
pulling all the sky over him with one smile … Amen.

(Based on poem by e.e. cummings)