
We are an ecumenical (open to many Christian traditions) and affirming congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Eucharist is at the heart of our life together. We seek peace with justice and the integrity of creation.

We recognise the gifts of people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations and identities.

We invite the participation of children in all aspects of our church life (liturgical, educational, pastoral, ecological and mission activities). Our ministry with children and carers, extended and “rainbow” families, involves advocacy for the rights and wellbeing of all, particularly those who are most marginalised in our society.


We gather for worship each Sunday at 10am. Our worship follows the Revised Common Lectionary (Advent, Easter and Pentecost, Ordinary Time, Lent, Christmas, Epiphany). A five-week Season of Creation is celebrated as part of Ordinary Time and culminates in a Blessing of the Animals.

We read from The Inclusive Bible (Priests for Equality) and our commitment to inclusivity is reflected in liturgy, prayer and song. We gather around a central altar-table and encourage full, conscious and active participation in worship.

Following morning worship we meet for various activities at 12pm, in the church and online.

1st Sunday – Open space.

2nd Sunday – Meditation (Lectio Divina, Visio Divina and other forms).

3rd Sunday – Liturgy Resource (creating and curating prayers, including collects and intercessory prayers, for worship).

4th Sunday – Music Selection (planning songs, chants and music for worship).

5th Sunday – Social Event (gathering for recreation and fun).

Mid-week activities include:

Sundays, 6pm for 6.15pm start – Vespers (Readings and Prayers) online only.

*2nd Thursday, 7-8.30pm – Gospel Conversation (Bible study and discussion) – see below for resources.

Pastoral Care

Elders and ministers meet monthly for input on pastoral care, self-awareness and spirituality, as well as consideration of congregational needs, prayerful and practical support.

In Memoriam

We remember and give thanks for beloved friends.